lauantai 29. elokuuta 2015

Dia protoss learning diaries - week 1

Holiday is over and so is over the flowing amount of time for gaming :(

Notes from aggressive play styles
-  picture in mind what you want and can ideally to do with your attack
    -  this would be either to contain or to destroy something?
- check from replays if more units or earlier attack - and how to identify
- exchange shields for hp
- detect if opponent is being greedy, punish from greedyness
  -  for detecting needs to have scout from exp sites
- detect if opponent lost too much, punish for loosing
- limit with sentries how many units you are fighting
- move damaged units away from taking fire
- keep tabs on their army size, but how ?
- if techs and pushes out, get out and do not lose anything
- when being aggressive follow your army - macro like 1 thing as fast as possible and get instantly back?
- macroing while being aggressive
- prevent reinforcements
  *destroy pylons
  * hit squad rallypoint lines
  * ff ramps

More specifics:
if terran has fresh bunker and no one in there, just walk by :D
sentries can by used to stop bunker repairs
if zerg takes 4th while u can't take 3rd -> 8gate

Sentry specifics:
put sentries against wall and wall off with ff if only melee
split armies with ff
separate reinforcements with ff
if ranged limit the amount of shooting units with ff

Blink stalker specifics:
4-5 stalkers on steroids