tiistai 1. tammikuuta 2013

Update on progress and upcomming practice plans

Argh! I have been so lazy during this month. Somehow the ladder seems scarier than ever. Earlier I loaded a ton of master and gm level replays from drop.sc. I was aiming to find 3 builds for each match up. However, after having a brief discussion with my coach, I was confident that I should 1st get only one for each match up and practice the hell out of those.

Now that is something that I realized just recently. I have been swinging new builds a couple of times (5-10) before hitting the ladder. Then I spent a week practicing this one build by myself. Seems that the best way for me to get a build going nicely would be to just repeat - repeat - repeat it against bot or alone.

As a new years resolution, I have decided to play at least 5 ladder games each day. Not today though - because of the hangover :D

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