lauantai 4. toukokuuta 2013

PvP - early aggression

Why does 12gate classify other as aggressive?

Because they will have to cut workers to get the 12gate.
12gate enables them to have faster core and faster more units..
but they will need to deal more damage to you than they dealt to themselves by cutting probes.
If this damage doing is prevented a defender with normal eco will have stronger eco.

When against a 4gate should dt:s be obtained so that the tech level is still the same (no robo)?
If they add robo too soon they will lose the pressure because not enough units.
A good player will retreat and add robo? This allows them to preserve their units.
If they add robo too late the dt:s will get there. However, the amount of their units giving you pressure will be higher and might prohibit adding tech?

Btw, when they are shooting at your buildings, shoot at their units.

Do not expand if early aggro

Always make the 1st stalker and zealot and if they are late go kill!

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