lauantai 7. syyskuuta 2013

Macro Training Day 1

Game 1 PvP
If you are taking 3rd quickly you have not banked as much gass so it is better to make archons out of DTs?
2nd forge soonest as you put twilight?

Game 2 PvP
Do multipoint harrasment with zealots while you are waiting for the gass to build up for archons. This will nicely use up the minerals.

Game 3 PvP
Was actually worse!! Maybe because I was not concentrating on a list of specific things?

Game 4 PvT
When to start making ups in PvT? Maybe after 1-3 colos make wps and obs from robo?

Game 5 PvT
Hmn, gass keeps floating..

Game 6 PvT
Less floaty. Macro will be depending on how early terran attacks first. Generally expand and tech after terran 1st attacks. If is very early, just tech more freely (unless 1base)?

Game 7 PvZ
Gass and minerals both look bad :(. I think PvP is best and PvZ is worse still. Spending quotient is till in GM, which is weird. Pylon plasing is hard to train because bot does not destory them in high speed. Maybe harder bot would?

Game 8 PvZ
Cannon rushing makes things butt ugly!

Game 9 PvZ + feelign tired
Some chonoboost left unused. Too few workers. Mineral float maybe not so bad but gass still floatingk.


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