sunnuntai 6. lokakuuta 2013

1st 10 games

Game 1 PvP Lost Because lost a fight
1st saturation speed -> bad :(, why?
2nd saturation speed -> bad :(, why?
3rd saturation speed -> bad :(, why?

Game 2 PvP Won
BUT - when u destroy protoss army and would beat the hell out of gateway army, just go kill..and remember proxys

1st saturation speed -> bad :(, why? Because cut workers to expand earlier, is this actually ok?
2nd saturation speed -> ok
3rd saturation speed -> ok

3rd & 4th gass saturation: 32sec BAD :(
5th & 6th gass saturation: NEVER

chrono slipped a bit :/

Game 3 PvZ MUTAS Won
for some reason lost 2-3 times nexai from hotkey

1st saturation speed -> bad :(, why?
2nd saturation speed -> bad :(, why?
3rd saturation speed -> ok

3rd & 4th gass saturation: 6sec/35sec : not good
5th & 6th gass saturation: 2min : SUPER BAD

Game 4 PvT proxy mines...
should have remembered to scout own base and be aware after seeing so early gass. Also should have chronoed units...
should have moved most probes to safe location and tried to kill mine with only few

Game 5 PvP cannon rush..
should have made forge and put cannons so that his cannons do not reach them. If was making more than one cannon should have always 1 cannon more than them.

Game 6 PvZ zerg really long on 2 bases
Pretty much every aspect of macro failed...
chrono: bad
gates: too few
resources: floating

--> if you are not expanding add gates, 2 at a time? or even one? and see how resources behave?

Game 7 PvZ quite fast 3 bases
Pretty much every aspect of macro failed...
Should have taken own 3rd earlier? But can't really take it earlier? wtf..

Game 8 PvP proxy stargate
forgot to check where the 3rd pylon is..

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