lauantai 1. syyskuuta 2012

aand trying again

Failed so hard in trying to write. This was mostly due to texts never being perfect enough for publication. Maybe its time to just publish all the sh*t that comes to mind ;p.

So I played this game againts zerg:
I have no clue as to why is lost 9_9. This is actually my problem quite often. Dunno if this is the case for other newbs. I will try to write down my tough processes in order to provide examples of how to find and correct the critical flaws. No guarantee that I will make the right assumptions.

Now a list of stuff that could have gone differently:
  • I remember some supply blocks occurring - this is always bad mmkay
  • The zerg had a third @ before 9mins, mine was ~11mins
  • I could have easily warped more units - there a pile of cash
  • The zerg had his first lings done ~8mins up to that I allowed him to just drone away
Things to improve for ze next game:
  1. put more pressure if the zerg goes as fast for a 3rd - requires that 3rd is scouted actively (8-9mins) 
  2. warp units more aggressively
  3. tech faster to colossus - including making the robo a lot earlier
  4. if there is a ton of munny just make cannons?

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