lauantai 1. syyskuuta 2012

moar ^-^

PvT -

  • Terran fella made really early 3rd - maybe the 3rd should be scouted a lot lot earlier. However as I experienced a long long time ago, there will be not enough workers for 3rd during the very early game. Also was scouted later nicely with prims :p
  • The reaction to destroy rocks should have been made in an instant. Also I had enough forces to kick his but. What does it mean that the 3rd was planetary? Less units?
  • Felt like templars would have been late
  • Did not really experience any dropping action
  • Now that I think I did not scout for medivacs as aggressively as when playing against nukkuj. Normally this would be done with obs. This time I made prism first.
  • Lol. Accidentally pushed with 4 colossai. As should have. Lol. 
  • 4 colossai were ready before charge? Felt bad.
  • Could have made 2nd forge to be ahead in ups.
  • It was a good idea to scout with couple of zealots before they joined the main force.
  • The final blow became at nice time ^^ - right after terran forces were destroyed

Improvements for the next PvT:
  1. Switch faster to templartech
  2. Scout bettar: check 3rds, keep fellas at exps? maybe dt ninjas :3 (if can afford)?
  3. During late game - just a shitload of gates more
  4. If natural exp: make observer 1st from robo, if not: make immortal
  5. Make upgrades from 2 forges
  6. Tech to charge as teching to colo

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