lauantai 13. lokakuuta 2012

Trying out Apollos protoss builds against bot

Game 1 Game 2 Game 3

3 stalkers out 6:05 6:00 5:48

3 gates + robo 9:42 7:09 7:06

expansion 6:47 8:18 7:50

5 gates 18:21 12:33 10:03

3rd base 13:07 12:29 13:50

bay 11:29 9:59 10:19

forge 9:06 10:14 10:22

weapon ups 12:48/15:23/18:31 13:44/16:36/19:54 13:35/16:11/19:17

armor ups 19:01 - 18:38

twilight 9:34 10:11 10:27

8mins 30 probes, 7 stalkers, 1 sentry 23 probes, 7 stalkers, 1 zealot, 2 sentries 27 probes, 7 stalkers, 1 sentries, 1 obs

12mins 54 probes, 16 stalkers, 4 sentries, 1 obs, 2 zealots, 1 immo 35 probes, 10 stalkers, 2 zealots, 5 sentries, 1 obs, 2 immo 51 probes, 10 stalkers, 1 sentry, 1 obs, 1 immo

15mins 65 probes, 21 stalkers, 5 sentries, 1 obs, 5 zealots, 2 immo 49 probes, 12 stalkers, 5 sentries, 1 obs, 3 immo, 2 colo 67 probes, 24 stalkers, 1 sentry, 1 obs, 2 immo, 2 colo

20mins - - -

Improvement points from Game 1:
What went wrong/good Why went wrong/good Next time
Made robo after expansion.Didn't remember correctly.Remember that you are doing 3 gate robo, pal ;p. Build production facilities before expanding and then quickly expand.
5th gate was very late.Didn't remember correctly.Remember: 3 gates + robo + 2 gates = 5 gates + robo = 6 production
Went for +3 weapon upgrades which aligned nicely.-However, no idea when 2nd forge should be gotten.
Forge was silent some time before research begun.Did not notice that forge was ready.Try to check up on forge by putting it to hotkey?

Improvement points from Game 2:
What went wrong/good Why went wrong/good Next time
Stalkers were not much earlier than before.Did not use chronoboost on stalkers.Use chrono on stalkers.
The 5th gate was late.Did not remember to add it before all the tech structures.Remember to add 2 gates after expanding.
Late expansion to natural.Cancelled because saw an attack comming.Do not cancel but wait and use to tank damage but cancel if seems to be destroyed.
Seemed to be so very low on gass.Teching too fast? Should natural gases be taken earlier? Should 3rd gasses be taken earlier? Was is wrong to warp senties?Dunno..
Too few probes. When putting down gass 16th probe was forgotten. When fixing missing rally point for nexus. When thinking about expanding. When in supply blocks. During attacks.All the times check hotkey for nexus!
Supply blocks.Was not constantly following supply.Say out loud the supply count.

Improvement points from Game 3:
What went wrong/good Why went wrong/good Next time
Maybe should not build second gass so early?2nd gate could be constructed earlier and 3 stalkers would be faster.Try to build 2nd gass only after 2nd gate or even later.
Could even fewer units be built before expanding?If could then expansion would be even earlier. Should robo be constantly held warm however?Try making even fewer units?
3rd base very late!Was making so much units.Try to cut more units.
There is no later game plan?No idea what supposed happen or what are supposed to be the benchmarks.Check Apollos videos and look for a replay even? twilight ½ of 1st +1 weapons, 3rd nexus + 2nd robo
Too few probes. When putting down gass 16th probe was forgotten. When fixing missing rally point for nexus. When thinking about expanding. When in supply blocks. During attacks.All the times check hotkey for nexus!
Supply blocks.Was not constantly following supply.Say out loud the supply count.

Just realized that there is no point trying to learn PvP from Apollo tutorials because his strategy was "3 stalkers and then react from that point onwards". Yet he teaches nothing about reacting that a player at my level could get something from.

Aw fuck, so basically this was just wasted time.

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